Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hey, it's March!

Hello, everyone! So I need to get back on track with blog writing, but it's going to take me until the end of the week to get started again - all of last week I was away on vacation (and ohhhhh what a vacation it was!), and this week the Fac des Sciences decides it's a good time to put all the mid-term exams. Hurray? So, I'm trucking along, trying to study study study and get life back to its normal flow! My first exam (Monday. Yes, Monday. I studied during my trip!) went fairly well, I think, which is all I can hope for attempting my first ever geology/ French. Fingers crossed for a good note!

So, that's it for now. Promise I'll get all the fun trip details up later, for whomever wants them! For now, here's a teaser:

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