Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Hey, guys! Update! Hot off the presses! The university, as of Wednesday, 20 October, is closed until Monday of next week. Like, seriously. Closed. All of it. As in, there are gates blocking off campus. Should the academic in me be concerned? Perhaps, but now all I can do is say, "Yippeeeeee!!" I'm going to find a way out of this country come hell or high water, and let's see where the winds take me. I'm feeling like now is the time to travel.

Strikes are continuing, and all of France is pretty much in a general sense of outrage over the stated retirement changes. I, for the most part, don't seem to feel the effects. I stay away from the manifestations and mind my own business. However, I will say, for any of you worried at home, that strikes in France are quite different than the sensational, violent, burning buildings and causing riots you see elsewhere in the world. They're actually more like one big party. I've seen singing, marching, even an enterprising vendor selling roasted chestnuts where the strikers will be passing. A friend of mine has apparently also seen a vendor selling coffee and beer. In general, people seem to be upbeat and festive. Again, kind of hard for me to wrap my head around, but I'll take it for what it is and see where this takes me.

In case you're interested, here's the news from the university itself: Apparently, some students have blockaded themselves in one of the ampitheatres on campus! Oh, my.

"Les étudiants, en assemblée générale ce mardi 19 octobre 2010 ont voté pour la reconduction du blocage de l’Université Paul-Valéry – Montpellier III jusqu’au jeudi  21 octobre 2010 et ont décidé l’occupation nocturne de l’amphi A par une courte majorité de circonstance.

Au-delà du fait qu’elle dessert le mouvement social en cours, cette occupation est inacceptable pour la direction de l’Université qui ne peut assurer, dans ces conditions propices à générer des incidents et des dégradations, la sécurité des personnes et des biens.

Dans ce contexte, la direction de l’université a demandé l’intervention des forces de l’ordre pour évacuer les quelques personnes occupant l’amphithéâtre et décide, de la fermeture administrative du site « route de Mende »  jusqu’au lundi 25 octobre 2010 au matin.

En conséquence, les cours sont suspendus et le personnel du site n’est pas tenu de se rendre à l’Université.

Un conseil d’administration extraordinaire se tiendra la semaine prochaine pour décider des mesures à prendre et des modifications du calendrier."

The general sense of it is that authorities have been called in to get rid of these students, the university is unhappy about this interference with academia, and will meet next week to decide what measures will be taken. More updates to follow! Thank you for tuning in to News with Marisa. Until next time, stick it to the man.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I'm getting the all-grown-up version of our WFIN days! =) Missing you, and absolutely loving the adventure you're sending me through these posts!!
