Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Montpellier, la ville où la fête ne termine jamais

Hey, guys! I have an address, so I thought I'd post it here in case anybody feels like some correspondance:

Bâtiment D 409
Cité Universitaire Vert-Bois
192 Rue de la Chênaie
34096 Montpellier Cédex 5

So, I have some general commentaries today. I think I'm a lot more self-reliant than my parents believe me to be. I've encountered numerous roadblocks, hit dead ends, and occasionally feel like I'm caught in a neverending stream of errands that have to be done. I can see the stress starting to get to people already. I think my awful scatter brain over the years has prepared me mentally for my trip to France, in that if something goes wrong or doesn't quite work out the way you want, you find another way or try, try again. If it doesn't happen, well, then it's just not meant to be

Despite the upbeat tone of my blog entries, no, it hasn't been all rainbows and butterflies here! It's hard work, and I feel kind of like a Sim in that life is a constant effort to get things done in between feeding myself. It's an effort and a half to get groceries at the price I want, but am I complaining? No way!! Am I tired? Well, sure, but that's my own fault =) My social life here so far is active and bustling, as indicated by my title (translated: Montpellier, the city where the party never ends!). According to the directeur des études of the IEFE (Institute d’Études Françaises pour Étrangèrs), in a city of 250,000, nearly 1 in 4 people are students. And it shows! It's impossible to describe the energy here. There's always something going on.

On a side note: aside from my professors today (first day of classes, whoo hoo!), nobody here cares about being on time. Now, you're talking to the queen of punctual here. I can't not get somewhere on time. So, knowing this, upon arrival I just decided, so what? Sure, I'm having to wait 2 weeks for my bank account papers to go through. Yeah, I just sat around for half an hour waiting to meet a buddy to go out. And? What's the big deal? As long as I catch the last tram home at the end of the day, it's all good.

My only real complaint? Grammar. ick. Alas, what can you do? Over the next day my efforts are concentrated in getting a french health certificate saying I'm ok to participate in sports. I'm going to take an advanced salsa dancing class, fingers crossed I get in before it fills! Until next time!

This is from Sunday, at a park just outside of the centre ville, overlooking the city. I'll post more pictures later :)

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